Mobile Banking App

Security Tips

Bank online with confidence

Protecting your personal financial information is of utmost importance to us. We’d like to remind you of a few ways you can stay safe and protected while going online:

  • If you visit a website that looks different from what you previously remember, be sure the website address is what it has been in the past. For example, even though our website design/look is changing, you'll still see as the website address for the bank. This is one way you can ensure that you're at the right site and have not been re-directed to an impostor website with the intention of tricking you into giving up your information.
  • You'll also see "https" in our address. The "s" at the end means our site is secure. If you are going to be submitting confidential information like user names, credit card information, etc., be sure to look for the “https” to ensure your information is protected.
  • Make sure you're using the most current version of your web browser. Updating your browser is easy—and it's free. 
  • And finally, if you ever have a question, don't hesitate to call the business and ask. When it comes to your identity and security online, "better safe than sorry" couldn't be more true.